

Sanmi Akindipe popularly called Dr. Successful Sanmi as many of his radio and TV fans popularly call him is a polymath. An acclaimed business mogul, serial entrepreneur and global speaker. It is true Dr Successful Sanmi is many things. From a maverick, financial strategist, marketplace expert, a business system expert, leadership genius, a real estate head, a family man, a self-made millionaire to a polymath. He trains on business finance, capital market, customer services, real estate, leadership, sales and marketing relationships and so on.

He also has a Youtube channel of over 40k subscribers 


Life Coach, Financial & business Guru, Coach of coaches, Author of over 81 books, 300 online courses, Digital and Serial Enterprenuer, Real Estate Expert, International Conference Speaker, MarketPlace Expert, Leadership Genius.


1. Attend One on One Mentorship Training With Successful Sanmi.

2. You can attend any of his several live seminars, conferences and webinars.

3. Listen to him 24/7, download from Google PlayStore his Radio App moneymagnetradio